Avva Isaia Pustnicul / Abba Isaïe le Solitaire
Stai drept: urmărește-te, fii atent la simțămintele tale. Dacă ții gândul la Dumnezeu cu pace in inima, vei vedea cum hoții de diavoli vor să ți-l ia pe furiș. Fiindcă paza gândurilor te ajută să-i simți pe cei care vor să intre să te tulbure. Gândurile rele tulbură mintea. Dar cei ce recunosc răutatea rămân liniștiti rugându-se Domnului.
Tiens bon: sois attentif à toi et à tes sentiments. Si tu gardes la pensée de Dieu en paix dans ton cœur, tu verras les démons voleurs qui veulent te la dérober discrètement. Car si tu protèges tes pensées avec attention, tu va dépister ceux qui veulent entrer et perturber. Les mauvaises pensées perturbent l’esprit. Mais ceux qui reconnaissent la malice restent sobres dans la prière vers Le Seigneur.
They stay calm
Stand firm: watch yourself, watch your feelings. If you keep the memory of God peacefully in your heart, then you see the robber demons that want to take it from you stealthily, on the sly. Because if you guard your thoughts carefully then you can sense those who want to enter and pollute you. Wicked thoughts bring turmoil to the mind. But those who recognize this wickedness remain calm and pray to the Lord.
Saint Isaiah the Anchorite
Stand firm: watch yourself, watch your feelings. If you keep the memory of God peacefully in your heart, then you see the robber demons that want to take it from you stealthily, on the sly. Because if you guard your thoughts carefully then you can sense those who want to enter and pollute you. Wicked thoughts bring turmoil to the mind. But those who recognize this wickedness remain calm and pray to the Lord.
Saint Isaiah the Anchorite