
Sfântul Vasile cel Mare / Saint Basile le Grand

Sufletul tău preia lucrurile pe care le faci tu; ia forma și modelul acțiunilor tale. Înfățișarea, mersul, așezarea, mâncarea, patul, casa, mobilele: trebuie sa fie simple. Iar cuvintele, cântarea, tovărășia prietenilor – toate acestea trebuie făcute cu măsură, fără exagerare.

Ton âme devient ce que tu fais; il prend la forme et le modèle de tes actions. Ton aspect, ta marche, ta manière de t’asseoir, et aussi ta nourriture, ton lit, ta maison, tes meubles: doivent être simples. Et tes paroles, tes chants, les rencontres avec les amis – tout doit être modéré, sans excès.

No exaggeration
Your soul becomes like the things you do; it takes the form and pattern of your actions. Your appearance, your attire, your walk, the way you sit and also your food, your bed, your house and furniture should all be simple. And your words, your song, your companionship with friends, all of these should also tend towards moderation, not to excess.
Saint Basil the Great



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